Thursday, October 06, 2011

iSad, Steve Jobs Apple CEO passes on.

iSad. iMourn. iWail. iCry. iPad. iPod. iPhone.

Steve Jobs has passed on after battling with pancreatic cancer which was diagnosed in mid 2004. A colossal legend has fallen. October 5 2011 will remain an indelible date on the mind of all tech lovers. The world lost a visionary leader and one of the greatest thinkers of our time. Sad as it may his legacy still lives on.

Born February 25, 1955 and spent only one semester (6 months) in college, Steve Jobs took up to the great task of entrepreneurship creating one of the Fortune 500 company and world known name Apple Inc with net worth of $8.3 billion (2011)

              "Death is the destination we all share. ...It clears out the old to make way for the new."
                                                                                                                  - Steve Jobs

Gladly watch his inspiring speech at the Stanford University in 2005 below. May his soul rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. iWeep...he has made way for us in the tech world..His Faith in TomCooks is my faith better and brighter days are ahead.inshaAllah.
