Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Funny - Teeth Brushing for Dummies

First impression they say have no second chance. We communicate most times everyday through speech as well as express happiness and good feelings through laughter. Nonetheless what we portray during these actions, in these cases our breath and teeth goes a long way to leave a lasting impression on people we meet.
With the increased rate of tooth decays and mouth odour among individuals, this course has been put together by experts to effectively teach in the most efficient practical way how to brush and maintain oral hygiene thus leaving individuals around us with a breath of fresh air.

This course will have some technical jargons to be encountered by participants ranging from Oral Cavity (the overall content of the mouth – teeth, gums, tongue, lips etc); Plague (the white-milk deposits on the teeth); Brushing (the process of cleaning the teeth using a toothbrush); Do-It-Yourself (explaining a practical approach in which participants learn by doing exactly what is been thought. This improves the learning process); Toothpaste (a paste formulation used as a detergent to clean the mouth and teeth)
Course Objectives
At the end of the course participants will:
·         Learn practically how to brush their teeth efficiently
·         Understand the relationship between oral hygiene and the breath exhaled during conversations
·         Teach their friends and colleagues to brush their teeth effectively
·         Effectively maintain clean sparkling teeth at all times
Course Modules
Getting Started – All about the Oral Cavity: This module takes into consideration the understanding of the oral cavity and its functions. It also brings to bare the right toothbrush, toothpaste and frequency of brushing required to maintain snow-white looking teeth.
Toothbrush, Toothpaste and Timing (TTT): Here the structures of toothbrushes are taught in detail. The bristle composition and strengths – soft, medium, hard and extra-hard. The major composition of the toothpastes are also talked about and the functions of each of them.
Getting it done – A practical guide to identifying mouth odour: This module is highly practical as it is a do-it-yourself approach to understand and find out if you have mouth odour or likely to have as the case may be. It involves some practical exercises ranging from ballooning, wrist licking, sneezing and more. It sure promises to be insightful.
Do the Teeth brushing: This is another practical packed module. Following series of videos, presentations and teachings, a do-it-yourself brushing exercise is practiced. This module promises to show the flaws or omissions in brushing the teeth the write way.
Now you can conquer: As the name of the module implies, participants are now brought to the know all they need to do to keep their teeth shining and glowing in no other colour than sparkling white. This module encourages a continuous approach to maintaining white teeth all the way.
Teeth brushing overhauled: This module brings to consideration the need that every participant benefiting from the programme can be a source of inspiration and learning to anyone that needs or might need assistance in maintaining fresh breath and overall oral hygiene.
What do you guys think? Is this going to fly as a programme/project. Will you partake in it? Your thoughts please.

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